There are lots of factors you must consider when acquiring surf board leashes and you must be knowledgeable that several leashes are not made fairly. That is the main reason why you must know the several factors to keep in mind when you are searching for the right surf board leash because it can make a huge difference when surfing on small or big waves.The length of surf board leashes is one of the factors you should take for consideration. Your leash must have the length of your surf board. This allows enough room between you as well as your board when taking a mullering.
If your leash is a bit short, you will find yourself hitting your board or being hit by your board. Take note that several manufacturers will list the leash’s length as the length of cord and won’t include the rail saver or cuff.For you to ensure this when buying, you should ask your surf shop. If you’re new to surfing, getting a leash that’s over a foot longer than your surf board is a good choice. If you want to control your board, you should get a leash that is about six inches longer than your board.

If you prefer surfing in big waves, you will require a long leash. This is because the bigger the ocean waves, the longer your surf board leash is needed. Another thing to remember in terms of the length of surf board leashes is that these might stretch when used always. Surfing in bigger waves will add up the leash’s length.Another factor you must consider is the swivels. These will keep your surf board leashes from getting tangled around your feet, which isn’t only annoying, but also this can be a bit hazardous.
Experts recommend to acquire a leash with least a swivel, but it can be also a good idea to get a leash with two swivels.In terms of the thickness of surf board leashes, the thicker your leash is, the drag will be greater. For competition surfing or surfing small waves, it is important to obtain a thinner leash that will make less drag and would make it simpler to catch waves. For daily use or when surfing in a much bigger waves, it is good to acquire a thicker leash. The thicker surf board leashes are renowned to last longer and don’t snap easily.